Virgin Eon is the convergence of the future.
Bill Gates was able to successfully create, innovate, and capitalize on the future through a combination of foresight, research and innovation. Gates is widely known as the wealthiest American according to Forbes Magazine. Gates became wealthy by utilizing and exploiting his passion for technology and it’s possibilities for the future. Implementing that vision and capitalizing on it ultimately through an Initial Public Offering in the stock market.
So that is the premise for my blog. I am looking to assimilate information and trends that lead to the opportunities and prosperity of the future. If you can predict the future and capitalize on it you will be very wealthy. So that is the premise of my blog. I’m mainly here to disburse information from the world that will enable those interested to capitalize on this information and profit from it as they see fit.
Can you predict the future? Yes.
By thoroughly studying information, trends and cycles occurring now and that have occurred throughout history and by implementing innovation out of that information and trends. So that is the premise of my blog and my postings on this blog will continuously reflect that.
There are tremendous opportunities in agriculture, natural resources and mobile technology over at least the next 10-20 years. Asia has been booming and a great prosperous future for Africa is emerging. There are great opportunities right here at home in America in these industries. With prayer, smart work and dedication we can take advantage of these opportunities and live in an extremely prosperous economy.
With that said, embrace change and get busy!!
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