I was super duper inspired yesterday by a drummer that appeared on a television program featuring Dr. Wayne Dyer yesterday. His guest on the program had been severely burned and injured in a fire. His name is Dan Connor, and he is an awesome drummer. The fire left him with severe scarring on his face and basically without fingers. Despite all of this, Dan played a drum solo that was "off the chain" to show off his ability. He uses wristbands and rubberbands to hold the drumsticks and he played a drum solo that was "off the meter."
I was almost floored and extremely amazed after seeing this guy.
He helped reinforce in me that I have no excuse not to reach my God-given potential in my life.
We all have our own physical, spiritual, and mental demons we have to face and conquer to get to a higher level in our lives.
When Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gathsemene He was faced with such a heavy weight and contemplation from His impending crucifixion that He was sweating blood.
None of us has any excuses not to live our lives at an exceptional level. I don't want to be cliche', I want to keep it to the point. There are no excuses for any of us not reaching our full God-given potential in life.
We live in a cold world with a lot of cruel, nasty, ignorant people. The "haters" are there to help take us to a new dimension in life.
When Jesus was being taken away to His "trial" before he was crucified. He called Judas his "friend".
Jesus embraced His destiny. He had to go through the crucifixion (take a look at the movie Passion of The Christ) to save mankind and get back to the Right Hand of Father God.
In the same sense, we will be "crucified" in life in order to get to a new dimension in our lives.
When Jesus was resurrected He appeared on the earth in his new glorified body (he could walk through walls, no nail scars on his hands, etc), then He ascended to heaven.
The drummer I spoke of earlier literally went through fire and he has reached a higher plateau in life.
We all will have a fire in our lives that is designed ultimately to take us to a new, higher dimension in life.
The choice is ours to embrace our destiny and take the necessary steps to reach new highs in our lives.